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Radio Mirror

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Radio Mirror is an audio exhibit installed within "Radio Arts Space" Exhibition by radioCona, SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia in December 2011. The exhibit featured commissioned work by NY-based artists Maria Chavez, Kabir Carter, Aki Onda, Ed Bear and Lea Bertucci, Zach Layton, The Propagations.

Radio Mirror  invites the six sound artists to share their visions and ideas about radio by contributing a work to the exhibition.


How can radio resound or relive through the cuts and clicks of a turntable? Maria Chavez’s work essentially brings that question to the foreground in an effort to recreate the sound effects of the golden age of radio.


Radio embraces our private memory and sensory space whilst being present in the public realm. Aki Onda shifts through spaces, ambiences and chance
interactions in an effort to capture with his cassette recorder radio’s dual ethereal presence. 


Kabir Carter’s work challenges the listener by experimenting with the durational  aspects of the sound on radio. How can a singular shortwave tone survive the radio interferences as its signal propagates through space.


Ed Bear and Lea Bertucci use radio transmission as a tool to record and collage the voices of a group of young participants in a workshop on experimental broadcasting. The transmitted sound in its entirety can project a very dense pool of frequencies depending on the source and the targeted receiver.


Zach Layton offers radio astronomy transmissions from the Haruni Mirror Radio Telescope in Armenia, showcasing its minute and rather physical aural spectrum. 


The sound on radio can be haunting and distant yet making a familiar and very personal connection to its listener/receiver. Along these lines, the artist duo “The Propagations” sends us recordings of shortwave transmissions from Bangalore, India.


Radio Mirror establishes an open ended channel of what radio is or can be.

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