Sounds Remote
Sounds Remote is an inventory and reader of the sounds, sites and streams assembled for the Reveil radio broadcast on 2 to 3 May 2015. In its second iteration, Reveil again made a complete transect of the earth lasting one earth day, travelling west from Stave Hill Ecological Park in Rotherhithe on a sequence of live audio streams provided at daybreak by a dispersed community of streamers on the Locus Sonus open microphone network and elsewhere, some of whom were gathered for the occasion in soundcamps at various locations around the world.
Reveil’s broadcast partners were Wave Farm WGXC in the Upper Hudson, New York, who hosted the primary stream, and Resonance 104.4 FM in London, who also provided equipment. The open microphone network was initiated and hosted by Locus Sonus at the art schools of Aix en Provence and Bourges. The broadcast was transmitted further by Radius, RadioCONA, NAISA, Clocktower, Soundart Radio, Kriti FM, Sonica FM, Phaune Radio, Radio Papesse, ARTxFM, ARTSYNC-NOFM, Radio Corax, Radio Patapoe.
Soundcamp / Reveil was hosted by Stave Hill Ecological Park in Rotherhithe and coincided with International Dawn Chorus Day, a project of the Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country. It benefited from the support of Sound and Music and Arts Council England.
The publication takes its z-shaped double binding from the hand-sewn singinging printed by Colin Sackett in 1995 to notate sound rising and falling, via a text from the index to Nature in Downland by W. H. Hudson.
A number of writings have helped shed light on the curious experience of listening locally and remotely to these sounds as part of a long, live composition and a kind of clock.
2 x 28pp, 220 x 150mm.
Essays by Angus Carlyle, Anna Friz, Udo Noll, Zach Poff, Rob St John, and Paul Tourle.
Designed and produced by Uniformbooks and SoundCamp, 2016.